
People Analytics

People Analytics

Class Date: 22 - 30 Jun 2024 | 09.00 - 17.00 WIB | Offline Class

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Deskripsi Kelas

Pelatihan Traning People Analytics

Applied HR Data Science and Predictive Analytics

People Analytics is a data-driven approach to managing people at  work. As per the Deloitte survey, 75 percent of the organizations believe that using People /HR / workforce analytics is critical for organizations of the future.


People analytics is considered as one area where organizations  have a significant capability gap across the board. It is estimated  that around 80 percent of the current HR Workforce does not have the required analytics skills to analyze this increasingly data-driven area. As the power of analytics is changing  businesses, understanding all dimensions of the workforce is critical for gaining competitive advantage.



CDHX Participant Benefits:

  • CDHX Clinic Class
  • Forum Discussion
  • World-Class Curriculum
  • Community and guidance after workshop
  • Best speakers, senior consultants and practitioners
  • Focus on “How To” learning methods



Participants will receive:

  • Training  
  • Pre-Reading (PDF): “Applied HR Data Science and  Predictive Analytic”
  • Training Material and Content in PDF Format
  • Case Study and Group Discussion



What will I learn in this workshop?

The objective of this workshop is to provide aspiring  people analytics professionals and HR business partners  with a solid foundation in why people analytics is critical  to helping HR provide real business value. By taking this  people analytics training course you will get an excellent  grounding in what people analytics is, and how the best  companies are using people analytics to become more  successful and provide an exceptional employee  experience. 


What is People Analytics and why is it so important for HR  and organizations today?

  • How do I get started with People Analytics?
  • What do the best People Analytics teams do well and  what are the best examples of success?
  • What are the skills needed to succeed in People Analytics and how do you get stakeholder buy-in?
  • What do HR departments and HR business partners  need to do to get traction with People Analytics today?
  • How to Prepare HR data and maintaining High Quality of HR data.
  • Building simple predictive modeling and evaluating the results.



Why you should attend?

• The role of people analytics is transforming how the HR department operates.

• People analytics can help to answer a number of key  organizational questions and importantly, help the business to gain a competitive advantage.

• At the end of this workshop, you will understand how  and when to use the people’s data to make decisions on various HR functionalities right from Talent Development, Employee Retention.

• Professionals who are looking to upgrade their career

• Entrepreneurs, HR Managers & Leaders

• HR Executives who wish to advance their HR analytical skills and move into more strategic roles.



Workshop Outline


Module 1 

  • Introduction Business Analytics
  • Type and Maturity Analytics
  • Model CRISP - Data Mining
  • 5 Steps of Power up your company data
  • Type of Data
  • Predictor and Target
  • Basic Statistics
  • Univariate, Bivariate, Multivariate
  • Type of Data Non Parametric
  • Correlation and Predictive Power Index
  • Introduction to Orange ML and JASP



Module 2 

  • Type of Data
  • Predictor and Target
  • Basic Statistics
  • Univariate, Bivariate, Multivariate
  • Type of data distribution
  • Parametric and non parametric
  • Correlation and Predictive Power Index
  • Introduction to Orange ML and JASP



Module 3 

  • Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA)
  • Univariate
  • Bivariate
  • Scatter Plot
  • Long and Wide Data
  • Creating data frame
  • Selecting variables and sampling
  • Split data



Module 4 

  • High Quality of Data
  • Data Cleaning
  • Missing Value Analysis
  • Duplicate data
  • Outliers Detection
  • Feature Engineering
  • Creating new data
  • Upload and download data
  • Long and Wide Data
  • Creating data frame
  • selecting variables and sampling
  • split data
  • Final Exam



Module 5 

  • Data Transformation
  • Data Dummy
  • Log Transformation
  • Z score
  • PCA and Data Reduction



Module 6 

  • Model Regression
    • Linear
    • Classification
  • Non Linear
    • Random forest
    • Boosting
    • SVW
    • LDA
    • Neural Network



Module 7 

  • Evaluating Model
  • Performance
    • Confusion
    • Matrix
    • ROCR
    • F1
    • Lift
    • Survival Analysis



Module 8 

  • Storytelling with Data
  • Using Chart
  • Creating Storytelling form data
  • Psychology of color
  • Form Compositions
  • Final Exam



Module 9

  • Introduction to Power BI  Desktop
  • Getting Data : Excel and Power  BI Desktop and services
  • Direct Query and Import Data
  • Modeling with Power BI
  • Power BI Desktop Visualization



Module 10

  • Introduction to DAX
  • DAX Operations
  • Creating Data Relations
  • Practicum Dashboarding
  • Final Exam



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